This fifth biennial multiprofessional conference brings together people working with breastfeeding issues.
It is a unique opportunity to learn, exchange experiences and establish networks!
The presentations will be held in Nordic languages with simultaneous interpretation.
Call for Abstracts (69.66 kB)
Registration fee: 250 Euros. Included in the registration fee is admission to the conference and poster area, conference material, coffees and lunches during the conference and conference dinner.
More information: info@nordiskamningskonferens20
Accomodation: Hotel Hanasaari, information and reservations or +358 9 4350211
Organizers: Folkhälsan, The Breastfeeding Support Association in Finland, Metropolia University of applied sciences, Federation of Finnish Midwives, Finnish Union of Public Health Nurses, Suomen vauvamyönteisyyskouluttajat (Finnish Association of Breastfeeding Trainers), National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Hanasaari – Swedish-Finnish Cultural Center.
With best regards,
Leena Hannula
Senior Lecturer, PhD
Faculty of Health Care and Nursing
Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
PO Box 4030, FI- 00079 Metropolia, Finland
Tel +358 20 783 5637
Mobile +358 40 334 1685